Gallery Submission
Rudy Derosa
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I will be preserved (embalmed) and placed six feet under in a clear leak-proof transparent cylindrical glass coffin. The excavated hole will be lined with clear unbreakable glass walls and topped with clear bullet-proof glass (not filled with dirt) allowing one to peer down into the earth's strata for the full six feet. My coffin will rest at the bottom of the grave on stainless steel holders attached to a gear assembly connected by a chain to a stainless steel waterproof gear box with a crank handle which rises above the gravesite. It will be as if I were on a barbecue spit, fully rotational. Anyone who so wishes can roll me over in my grave.
I wish to have a permanent smile on my face. My arms at my sides, with my hands folded across my chest. In one hand I will hold a joker card from a deck of playing cards. The other hand will have a raised middle finger, flipping the bird.
Rudy Derosa is a conceptual performance artist and professional magician who has, because of his career, heard for his entire life that his relatives are turning over in their graves.